Creation of an online store for a European manufacturer of plant pots

An online store with a convenient tool for managing a large catalog of products

Managing a store's product catalog with thousands of items and dozens of properties from an Excel file

The main requirement of the customer is to provide the ability to manage the catalog of the online store using an exchange file in Excel format.
All changes to the product cards are made in an Excel file. Then, it is imported into the online store.

A convenient tool has been developed that allows you to import data from a file with tens of thousands of names and hundreds of properties in a matter of seconds with step-by-step processing.

Using modern engineering methods

  • The project does not use standard Bitrix components. Instead, there are many custom solutions: catalog, product card, shopping cart - implemented with their own components using the Bitrix API.
  • The unusual thing is that the project has a data model layer using the package (arrilot/bitrix-models) - Eloquent models from Laravel are used.
  • The project also uses Eloquent ORM in some places for direct requests to highload information blocks.
  • Standard modules are used: iblock, highloadblock, catalog, sale
  • The administrative section is made through the standard Bitrix modules (local/modules)

Technology stack

PHP, 1c-Bitrix, Laravel, MySQL
Vue, Vuex, SCSS, БЭМ
The project uses:

  • arrilot/bitrix-migrations
  • arrilot/bitrix-modules
  • illuminate/database
  • illuminate/events
  • bitrix-expert/monolog-adapter
  • notamedia/console-jedi
  • vlucas/phpdotenv