Creation of an online marketplace for agriculture

2000 - 2023

The largest agricultural marketplace

The service helps to quickly and easily sell and buy agricultural goods: agricultural products, machinery and equipment for agricultural production.

Users of the are all those who have ever been engaged in agricultural production or sales of goods for the agro-industrial complex market. in numbers

  • 110000+
    Active users
  • $13 million
  • $5.9 billion
    Trading volume advertisers the largest local and international agricultural brands

The full engineering cycle of the marketplace

  • Engineering at all stages, migration between platforms: Perl, PHP, Laravel, monolith to microservice architecture
  • Product support and development
  • Organization of a technical support service for users
  • Migration from monolith to microservice architecture
  • Creation of payment instruments and individual promotional sites for paid services
  • Integration with external services: SMS, email, cartography, payment systems
  • Setting up a CRM system for the sales department
  • Creating your own cloud server infrastructure

Technology stack

Perl, PHP, 1c-Bitrix, Laravel, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Queue, websockets (Centrifugo), Sphinx
Vue, Vuex, SCSS, БЭМ

The history of the development of the


The launch of the startup Agroportal

2001 - Launch of the future marketplace. All engineering is done in Perl.
The service provides the functionality of a "traditional bulletin board": a search column, a personal account for information management.

Migration from Perl to PHP

The rapid growth of the audience and the development of the product led to the need to migrate to a more appropriate advanced development language.
The codebase migrated to PHP along with hundreds of changes and improvements to the architecture, code and interface.
The name Agroportal has become a household name
The name Agroportal, coined for the product, began to be used as a term describing a separate category of industry-related sites.
Online services have been created, which have become an industry standard
2002 - services were developed: ads, companies, brands... - now they are part of any marketplace.
The Agrocatalog service has been developed
2003 - an agro-catalog was developed - a catalog of brands, models and goods with prices and contacts of suppliers.
A prototype of future modern marketplaces.
Migration to the new code platform
2008 - migration of the platform's codebase to the bitrix framework.
We have gained extensive experience working with Bitrix in large and very complex products.
Subsequently, even more experience was gained in abandoning Bitrix and switching to frameworks more suitable for serious projects.
Launch of the Agroset social network
2009 - the first agricultural professional social network was created - the Agricultural Network.
The agricultural network brought together participants in the agricultural market: farmers, sellers, marketers, and production workers
The first complete categorical classifier of agricultural goods has been developed
One of the main problems of the agricultural market is the lack of a single convenient classifier of goods with the possibility of parameterization of goods for their convenient search and selection.
For the first time in the agricultural market, a universal classifier of goods and their properties was developed.
Typed properties were created for each product, which made it possible to add products with the necessary parameters and filters for these parameters to be able to select products according to criteria.
Price monitoring service development
Price monitoring automatically collects the history of price changes for goods.
Provides the ability to analyze prices by product categories and specific products for a selected period in the form of graphs.
Price indicators can also be seen on the geographical map.

The classifier of agricultural goods, created by us and implemented earlier, allowed us to create such a service
Development of a publishing system for a News service
The news service is one of the most important tools of the industry marketplace. Authors and editors of publishes analytical reviews and market news on a daily basis in the publication system.
The news service interface has different interfaces for different categories of professionals.
Materials go through several verification stages before publication.
Content moderation system using AI
The most important difference and advantage of the - 100% content moderation. All published information must be checked.
A service has been developed for moderators with different levels of rights/access.
Moderators process thousands of content objects every day. Various AI models are used to automate moderation: user qualification, automatic content verification, automatic ban of violators
A 24-7-365 user support service is organized
Several user support tools are used. Technical support for tickets with SLA for commercial users.
Online chat support for prompt resolution of simple issues.
Migration from monolithic to micro-service architecture has been performed
The growth of the product has led to the limitations of the monolithic platform. Migration to the micro-service architecture has been prepared and performed in several stages.
Migration to Laravel, creation of separate frontend and backend with REST API.
Splitting the monolith into microservices.
Development of monetization services
All the time working with the product, various monetization hypotheses were tested.
Monetization systems have been developed and integrated: online promotion services, advertising services, contextual advertising system, analytics for marketing services and users.
Development of product promotional websites for services
Separate promo sites (landing pages) have been created for commercial services.
The best lead generation mechanisms for the sales department have been tested and selected. The product effectively sells itself.
An email marketing system has been designed, developed and implemented
An email marketing toolkit has been created to increase commercial efficiency. Sales funnels have been prepared and tested, and sales chains have been assembled to engage users and sell services.
The result is a steady increase in the sale of online services.
A contextual advertising service has been developed within the product
For users has developed a contextual advertising service.
You can create text ads or connect contextual ads to ads.
Prototyping, UX/UI, interface design

Promo sites for commercial services and advertising