The nuances of creating online products

Why can't mass-market CMS solutions ever become a marketplace platform?

2024-02-07 19:23
There are offers on the market called “marketplace” based on CMS, for example: Wordpress, Magento, Drupal, CS-Cart, Shopify, Tamaranga. Or, the so-called “marketplace scripts". These solutions are suitable for creating a typical online store, but not a marketplace.
The marketplace cannot be created on a circulation platform. This is a large, complex product that can only be created by a professional team with extensive experience.
Serious commercial marketplaces are created according to the principles of industrial product development. Such services involve servicing hundreds of thousands or millions of users per day and processing even more content. They have a complex architecture, server infrastructure and technology stack. Unique business processes that cannot be implemented on mass-produced solutions.
Modern platform solutions, and the marketplace is a platform, use a micro-service architecture. Such an architecture cannot be implemented on typical platforms. This particular architectural approach is peculiar, first of all, to large IT systems.

Microservices are used when scalability, fault tolerance and development flexibility need to be combined


Microservices allow horizontal scaling of individual system components independently of each other. This allows you to scale only those parts of the platform that really need more resources, which increases the efficiency of using hardware.

Flexibility and scalability of engineering

Dividing the platform into microservices facilitates development, as each service can be developed, tested and deployed independently. It also allows you to use different technologies and programming languages for each service, which meets its specific requirements.

Rapid implementation of changes

Since each microservice is a separate independent unit, changes in one service do not require recompilation or reassembly of the entire platform. This speeds up the development and deployment cycle of new features and bug fixes.

Improved fault tolerance

In case of failure of one microservice, others can continue to work independently. This allows the platform to continue to function even if problems occur in individual components.

Managing complexity

Dividing the functionality into separate microservices reduces the complexity of the code base of each service, making it clearer and easier to maintain and develop.

Using specialized engineering tools

The micro service architecture allows you to use specialized tools and technologies for each service, which allows you to optimize their performance and efficiency.
In general, the microservice architecture provides flexibility, scalability and fault tolerance, which makes it an attractive choice for the development and scaling of large platforms such as marketplaces.

Marketplace Platform

The marketplace platform that we have been working on for many years. The platform can be used for any industry, for example, agriculture.

A detailed description of the marketplace and development history.

And here is a working marketplace on our platform.